"Spin Switchable Optical Phenomena in Rashba Band Structures through Intersystem Crossing in Momentum Space in Solution-Processing 2D-Superlattice Perovskite Film"
B. Hu, B. Dryzhakov, Y. Tang, J. K. Keum, H. Ambaye, J. Park, T.-W. Lee and V. Lauter*
Nature Communications, accept (2025)
SCI Impact Factor = 14.7

"Ultra-bright, efficient and stable perovskite light-emitting diodes"
J. S. Kim+, J. -M. Heo+, G. -S. Park, S. -J. Woo, C. Cho, H. J. Yun, D. -H. Kim, J. Park, S. -C. Lee, S. -H. Park, E. Yoon, N. C. Greenham, and T. -W. Lee*
Nature, 611, 688–694 (2022)
SCI Impact Factor = 64.8
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"A low-power stretchable neuromorphic nerve with proprioceptive feedback"
Y. Lee+, Y. Liu+, D. -G. Seo+, J. Y. Oh, Y. Kim, J. Li, J. Kang, J. Kim, J. Mun, A. M. Foudeh, Z. Bao*, and T. -W. Lee*
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 6, 9 (2022) In-press
SCI Impact Factor = 28.1
<highlighted (Nature Highlight) link>
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"World Scientific Handbook of Organic Optoelectronic Devices: Volume 4: Flexible Bioelectronics"
T. -W. Lee
"Organic Artificial Nerve Electronics" : Chapter of "World Scientific Handbook of Organic Optoelectronic Devices: Volume 4: Flexible Bioelectronics"
G. -T. Go, D. -G. Seo, Y. Lee, T. -W. Lee*
Materials and Energy, 12 (2022)
ISBN: 978-981-124-031-7 (ebook)
ISBN: 978-981-124-029-4 (hardcover)
"Exploiting the full advantages of colloidal perovskite nanocrystals for large-area efficient light-emitting diodes"
Y. -H. Kim+, J. Park+, S. Kim+, J. S. Kim, H. Xu, S. -H Jeong, B. Hu, T. -W. Lee*
Nature Nanotechnology, 17, 6, 590-597 (2022)
SCI Impact Factor = 38.3
"Highly thin film with aerosol-deposited perovskite quantum dot/metal oxide composite for perfect color conversion and luminance enhancement"
S. Kim+, S. Kang+, S. Baek, J. Song, N. -E. Mun, H. Kwon, H. -G. Kwon, Y. -J. Pu, T.-W. Lee, S. Yoo, J. -M Oh*, J. Park*, S. -W Kim*
Chemical Engineering Journal, 441, 135991(2022)
SCI Impact Factor = 15.1
"Water-assisted formation of amine-bridged carbon nitride: A structural insight into the photocatalytic performance for H2 evolution under visible light"
D. Jang+, S. Choi, N. -H. Kwon, K. -Y. Jang, S. Lee, T. -W. Lee, S. -J. Hwang, H. Kim, J. Kim, S. Park*
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 310, 121313 (2022)
SCI Impact Factor = 22.1
"Chemically Robust Indium Tin Oxide/Graphene Anode for Efficient Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes"
S.-J. Kwon+, S. Ahn+, J.-M. Heo+, D.-J. Kim, J. Park, H.-R. Lee, S. Kim, H. Zhou, M.-H. Park, Y.-H. Kim, W. Lee, J.-Y. Sun, B.-H. Hong, T.-W. Lee*
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 7, 9074-9080 (2021)
SCI Impact Factor = 9.5
"Synthesis and characterization of homoleptic triply cyclometalated iridium(III) complex containing 6-(pyridin-2-yl)isoquinoline moiety for solution-processable orange-phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes"
M.-W. Ha+, M.-H. Park+, J.-Y. Hwang, J. Kim, D.-H. Kim, T.-W. Lee*, Y.-H. Kim*
Dyes and Pigments, 185, A, 108880 (2021)
SCI Impact Factor = 4.5
"Production of Metal-Free C, N Alternating Nanoplatelets and Their In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging Performance without Labeling"
D. Jang+, H. Ahn+, J. Oh, D. Lim, C.-H. Kim, S. Choi, Y.‐H. Kim, J. Park, K.-Y. Jang, R.-J. Yoo, T.‐W. Lee, J. Kim, Y.-J. Lee*, D.-W. Kim*, S. Park*
Advanced Functional Materials, 30, 2004800 (2020)
SCI Impact Factor = 19
“Suppressing π–π stacking interactions for enhanced solid-state emission of flat aromatic molecules via edge functionalization with picket-fence-type groups”
H.J. Cho+, S.W. Kim+, S. Kim, S. Lee, J. Lee, Y. Cho, Y. Lee, T.-W. Lee, H.-J. Shin, C. Song*
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 17289-17296 (2020)
SCI Impact Factor = 6.4
"Electroplated Silver−Nickel Core−Shell Nanowire Network Electrodes for Highly Efficient Perovskite Nanoparticle Light-Emitting Diodes"
H.-S. Kang+, S.-R. Choi+, Y.-H. Kim, J.-S. Kim, S.-J. Kim, B.-S. An, C.-W. Yang, J.-M. Myoung, T.-W. Lee, J.-G.Kim*, J.-H. Cho*
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 39479-39486 (2020)
SCI Impact Factor = 9.5
"Proton-transfer-induced 3D/2D hybrid perovskites suppress ion migration and reduce luminance overshoot"
H. Kim+, J.-S. Kim+, J.-M. Heo+, M. Pei, I.-H. Park, Z. Liu, H.-J. Yun, M.-H. Park, S.-H. Jeong, Y.-H. Kim, J.-W. Park , E. Oveisi, S. Nagane, A. Sadhanala, L. Zhang, J.-J. Kweon, S.-K. Lee, H. Yang, H.-M. Jang, R. H. Friend, K. P. Loh, M. K. Nazeeruddin, N.-G. Park, T.-W. Lee*
Nature Communications, 11, 3378 (2020)
SCI Impact Factor = 16.6
"Versatile Neuromorphic Electronics by Modulating Synaptic Decay of Single Organic Synaptic Transistors; From Artificial Neural Networks to Neuro-Prosthetics"
D.-G. Seo+, Y. Lee+, G.-T. Go, M. Pei, S. Jung, Y. H. Jeong, W. Lee, H.-L. Park, S.-W. Kim, H. Yang, C. Yangand T.-W. Lee*
Nano Energy, 65, 104035 (2019)
SCI Impact Factor = 17.6
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 42043-42049 (2017)
SCI Impact Factor = 9.5
O.F. Okello, Y.-T. Kim, H.-D. Lee, Y.-H. Kim, T.-W. Lee*, C.G. Park*
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5, 37, 9761-9769 (2017)
SCI Impact Factor = 6.4
S. KUMAR, J. Jagielski, N. Kallikounis, Y.H. Kim, C. Wolf, F. Jenny, T. Tian, C. Hofer, Y.-C. Chiu, W. J. Stark, T.-W. Lee, C.-J. Shih
Nano Letters, 17, 9, 5277-5284 (2017)
SCI Impact Factor = 10.8
"Universal high work function flexible anode for simplified ITO-Free organic and perovskite light-emitting diodes with ultra-high efficiency"
S.-H. Jeong, S.-H. Woo, T.-H. Han, M.-H. Park, H. Cho, Y.-H. Kim, H. Cho, H. Kim, S. Yoo, T.-W. Lee*
NPG Asia Materials, 9, 7, e411 (2017)
SCI Impact Factor = 9.7
H. Kwon, J. Ham, D. Y. Kim, S. J. Oh, S. Lee, S. H. Oh, E. F. Schubert, K.-G. Lim, T.-W. Lee, S. Kim, J.-L. Lee*, and J. Kim*
Advanced Energy Materials, 4, 7, 1301566 (2014)
SCI Impact Factor = 27.8
D.-H. Kim+, K.-G. Lim+, J. H. Park, T.-W. Lee*
ChemSusChem, 5, 10, 2053-2057 (2012)
SCI Impact Factor = 8.4
"Extremely efficient flexible organic light-emitting diodes with modified graphene anode"
T.-H. Han, Y. Lee, M.-R. Choi, S.-H. Woo, S.-H. Bae, B. H. Hong, J.-H. Ahn* and T.-W. Lee*
Nature Photonics, 6, 105-110 (2012)
SCI Impact Factor = 35
*Highlighted in Nature Photonics: News and Views
"Organic light-emitting diodes: Non-oxide boost"
Y. Zhu and J. M. Tour
Nature Photonics, 6, 72-73 (2012)
SCI Imapct Factor = 35
"AC Field-Induced Polymer Electroluminescence with Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes"
J. Sung, Y. S. Choi, S. J. Kang, S. H. Cho, T.-W. Lee, C. Park
Nano Letters, 11, 966-972 (2011)
(Co-author) SCI Impact Factor = 10.8
J.-J. Park*, X. Bulliard, J. M. Lee, J. Hur, K. Im, J.-M. Kim, P. Prabhakaran, N. Cho, K.-S. Lee*, S.-Y. Min, T. W. Lee, S. Yong, D.-Y. Yang
Advanced Functional Materials, 20, 2296-2302 (2010)
SCI Impact Factor=19
K.-S. Jang, Y.-S. Eom, T.-W. Lee, D. O. Kim, Y.-S. Oh, H.-C. Jung, J.-D. Nam
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 1, 1567-1571 (2009)
SCI Impact Factor=9.5
Q.-X. Tong*, S.-L. Lai, M.-Y. Chan, Y.-C. Zhou, H.-L. Kwong, C.-S. Lee, S.-T. Lee*, T.-W. Lee, T. Noh, O. Kwon*
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 6227-6230 (2009)
SCI Impact Factor=3.7
"Solution-Processed High-Efficiency Organic Phosphorescent Devices of a Blue Ir(III) Complex."
E. Han, Y.-Y. Lyu, T.-W. Lee*, Y. Byun, O. Kwon, A. Tikhonovsky, Y. Kwon, G..-S. Park, R. R. Das*
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8, 2990-2995 (2008)
SCI Impact Factor=1.354
"High-efficiency stacked white organic light-emitting diodes"
T.-W. Lee*, T. Noh*, B.-K. Choi, M.-S. Kim, D. W. Shin, J. Kido
Applied Physics Letters, 92, 043301 (2008)
SCI Impact Factor=4
"A Stable Blue Host Material for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes"
M.-S. Kim, B.-K. Choi, T.-W. Lee, D. Shin, S. K. Kang, J. M. Kim, S. Tamura, T. Noh*
Applied Physics Letters, 91, 251111 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=4
D. H. Huh, M. Chae, W. J. Bae, W. H. Jo, T.-W. Lee*
Polymers, 48, 7236-7240 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=5
Y. Byun, Y.-Y. Lyu, R. R. Das, O. Kwon, T.-W. Lee*, Y. J. Park
Applied Physics Letters, 91, 211106 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=4
T.-W. Lee*
Advanced Functional Materials, 17, 3128-3133 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=19
T.-W. Lee, J. H. Park, O O. Park, J. H. Lee, Y. C. Kim*
Optical Materials, 30, 486-491 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=3.9
T.-W. Lee*, J. H. Shin, I.-N. Kang, S. Y. Lee
Advanced Materials, 19, 2702-2706 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=29.4
"Synthesis and Non-volatile Memory Behavior of Redox Active Conjugated Polymer Containing Ferrocene"
T.-L. Choi*, K.-H. Lee, W.-J. Joo, S. Lee, T.-W. Lee, M. Chae
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129, 9842-9843 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=15
"Novel hyperbranched phthalocyanine as a hole injection nanolayer in organic light-emitting diodes"
T.-W. Lee*, Y. Kwon, T. Hayakawa, J.-J. Park, L. Pu, M.-A. Kakimoto
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 28, 1657-1662 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=4.6
"Control of Emission Outcoupling in Liquid-Crystalline Fluorescent Polymer Films"
T.-W. Lee*, O O. Park, Y. C. Kim*
Organic Electronics, 8, 317-324 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=3.2
J. Park, Y. Kwon, T.-W. Lee*
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 28, 1366-1372 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=4.6
T.-W. Lee*, Y. Chung, O. Kwon, J.-J. Park
Advanced Functional Materials, 17, 390-396 (2007)
SCI Impact Factor=19
"Hole-transporting interlayers for improving the device lifetime in the polymer light-emitting diodes"
T.-W. Lee, M.-G. Kim, S. Y. Kim, S. H. Park, O. Kwon, T. Noh and T.-S. Oh
Applied Physics Letters, 89, 123505 (2006)
SCI Impact Factor=4
"Molecular Monolayer Modification of Cathode in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes"
T.-W. Lee*, J. W. P. Hsu
Applied Physics Letters, 89, 223511 (2006)
SCI Impact Factor=4
M.-S. Jung*, T.-W. Lee*, J. Hyeon-Lee, B. H. Sohn, I.-S. Jung
Polymers, 47, 2670-2676 (2006)
SCI Impact Factor=5
T.-W. Lee, O. Kwon, M.-G. Kim, S. H. Park, J. Chung, S. Y. Kim, Y. Chung, J.-Y. Park, E. Han, D. H. Huh, J.-J. Park, L. Pu
Applied Physics Letters, 87, 231106 (2005)
SCI Impact Factor=4
"Pattern Transfer Fidelity in Soft Lithography: the Role of Pattern Density and Aspect Ratio"
T.-W. Lee*, O. Mitrofanov, J. W. P. Hsu
Advanced Functional Materials, 15, 1683-1688 (2005)
SCI Impact Factor=19
"All Solution Processed N-type Organic Transistor using a Spinning Metal Process"
T.-W. Lee*, Y. Byun, B. Koo, I.-N. Kang, Y. Lyu, L. Pu, S. Y. Lee*
Advanced Materials, 17, 2180-2184 (2005)
SCI Impact Factor = 29.4
T.-W. Lee*, S. Jeon, J. Maria, J. Zaumseil, J.W.P. Hsu, J. A. Rogers*
Advanced Functional Materials, 15, 1435-1439 (2005)
SCI Impact Factor= 19
"White Polymer Light-Emitting Devices from Ternary-Polymer Blend with Concentration Gradient "
J. H. Park, T.-W. Lee, Y. C. Kim*, O O. Park*, J. K. Kim
Chemical Physics Letters, 403, 293-297 (2005)
SCI Impact Factor=2.8
"Enhanced Electroluminescence from a Conjugated Polymer/Ionomer Blend "
T.-H. Kim, J. H. Park, T.-W. Lee, O O. Park*
Polymers, 45, 8567-8571 (2004)
SCI Impact Factor=5
"High-Efficiency Soft-Contact-Laminated Polymer Light-Emitting Devices with patterned electrodes"
T.-W. Lee*, J. Zaumseil, S. H. Kim, J. W. P. Hsu
Advanced Materials, 16, 2040-2045 (2004)
SCI Impact Factor=29.4
H.-C. Lee*, T.-W. Lee, Tae-Ho Kim, O O. Park
Thin Solid Films, 458, 9-14 (2004)
SCI Impact Factor=2.1
T.-W. Lee*, S. Jeon, J. Maria, J. Zaumseil, J.W.P. Hsu, J. A. Rogers*
Advanced Functional Materials, 15, 1435-1439 (2005)
SCI Impact Factor=19
"White Polymer Light-Emitting Devices from Ternary-Polymer Blend with Concentration Gradient "
J. H. Park, T.-W. Lee, Y. C. Kim*, O O. Park*, J. K. Kim
Chemical Physics Letters, 403, 293-297 (2005)
SCI Impact Factor=2.8